Public Interest Disclosure

The Public Information Disclosure Act 2018 came into operation on 1 July 2019 and replaces the SA Whistleblowers Protection Act 1993.

Under the new Act there are two types of information that can be received. These are:

  • Environment and health information - Information that raises a potential issue of a substantial risk to the environment or to the health and safety of the public generally or a significant section of the public.
  • Public administration information - Information that raises a potential issue of corruption, misconduct or maladministration in public administration. 

Protections are provided to:

  • anyone who makes an appropriate disclosure of environmental and health information
  • public officers who make an appropriate disclosure of public administration information

Council is in the process of finalising its Public Interest Disclosure Procedure which will be made available once ready.

What protections are there for informants?

If you make an appropriate disclosure of public interest information, the protections include:

  • Confidentiality; and
  • No Victimisation

Contact details

Any person wishing to provide information in accordance with the Public Information Disclosure Act 2018 has the following options:

Mail: Confidential – Public Interest Disclosure, City of Burnside, PO Box 9, Glenside SA 5065

Contact or one of the appointed Responsible Officers: