Life Drawing

Royal Society of Arts of South Australia Logo

Every Thursday evening at 7 pm sharp by Royal Society of Arts of South Australia (RSASA).

Female Nude Study by Frey Michlethwait

Female Nude Study by Frey Michlethwait


$10 per session (bookings are essential)

Venue Location

Hubbe Court, 3A Hubbe Court, Burnside SA 5065
Hubbe Court interior.jpeg

Parking Options

Limited parking is available in Hubbe Court. Please be respectful towards our neighbours and leave plenty of space around driveways. There is no parking on the North side of Hubbe Court and there is strictly no stopping in the cul-de-sac.

Parking is also available on Nilpinna Street and Undelcarra Road.


Sandra Earle Russo (Group Convenor) - anyone interested in joining the group as an artist or model can call 0405 139 377 or email

Bev Bills -