Stobie Pole Art in the Community

Application Process

1. Apply to SA Power Networks

Stobie pole art in the community is a SA Power Networks (SAPN) program. Before painting stobie poles you must obtain approval from SAPN and adhere to their guidelines.

Further information and an application form can be found on the SAPN Stobie Pole Art website.

Please note that this is not a Council program and the City of Burnside can not approve or install Stobie pole art.

2. Apply to work on Council land

As per SAPN guidelines, applicants should seek approval from Council to work on Council land. Applicants must have already received written approval from SAPN, before applying to Council.

Complete the Stobie Pole Art - Working on Council Land Application Form by clicking the link.

3. Consult with your neighbours

As per SA Power Networks guidelines you should consider consulting with residents directly adjacent to the proposed Stobie pole site.

Please use the Neighbour Consultation letter template(PDF, 30KB) to assist with this process.

4. Inform your local Ward Councillors

Applicants are encouraged to contact their local Ward Councillor(s) to inform them of their intention to decorate a nominated Stobie pole. Council Member details can be found on the City of Burnside website 

Complaints and Feedback

Please note that this is not a City of Burnside Council program. If you have any complaints or concerns regarding Stobie pole art please contact SAPN directly 13 12 61.

The City of Burnside can not action or advocate for any complaints received for Stobie pole art.