Anti-Racism Statement

Racism. It stops with us

At our Council meeting on Wednesday 25 July, we passed a motion to endorse and adopt an official Anti-Racism Statement for the City of Burnside. This statement, ‘Racism. It Stops With Us’, reaffirms our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion while condemning racism, discrimination, prejudice and bullying in all forms. This statement is inspired by the Australian Human Rights Commission’s national campaign ‘Racism. It Stops With Me’.

The City of Burnside has a zero-tolerance stance towards racism and we encourage all members of our community to join us in standing up to racism, racial vilification and stereotyping. Together we can all make a positive impact. 

Racism. It stops with us

In the City of Burnside, we live, work, study and play on Kaurna land. We respect the spiritual and cultural connection to the land held by the Kaurna people. We also recognise that the City of Burnside has a rich history of migration and continues to welcome people from diverse cultures.

We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. We strongly condemn all forms of racism, discrimination, prejudice and bullying that violate the human rights and dignity of individuals or groups. We will do all that we can to remain at the forefront of confronting racism and discrimination in whatever manner it shows itself.

We urge all community members within Burnside and the wider Australian community to stand up to racism, racial vilification and stereotyping. We are all accountable for our own words and actions.

Council is committed to celebrating our First Nations and multicultural heritage, as this diversity is a key strength of our local community. As a welcoming and connected community, we strive to ensure that everyone feels safe and at home in the City of Burnside.