Council Contributions to Community Facilities

Burnside Parks

The City of Burnside is home to more than 44,000 individuals and hundreds of community groups and organisations, striving to make the City of Burnside a great place to live, work and play. Council is committed to the development and effective working partnerships with community groups/organisations in ensuring the City of Burnside has a resilient, happy, healthy and connected community.

The Council Contribution to Community Facilities Policy(PDF, 151KB) provides guidance around Council funding contributions to significant upgrades to community facilities, including, under what circumstances funding will be considered, to whom and to what extent, in line with the City of Burnside's 'Burnside 2030' Strategic Community Plan.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for funding, applicants must meet the following minimum criteria. Further information can be found in the Council Contributions to Upgrades of Community Facilities Policy:

  • Requests will be considered from existing tenants of community facilities, who have leased the facilities from the City of Burnside for a minimum of 5 years.
    • Where the request comes from more than one club or community group (proposing a shared facility), at least one of those must have been a tenant for a minimum of 5 years.
    • Where a proposal is for a shared use facility, it must be demonstrated that the facility will be genuinely used by all of the club / community groups.
  • Clubs or community groups whose facilities have undergone a significant upgrade (fully or partially funded by Council) within the previous 10 years are not eligible.

For any enquiries relating to Council Contributions to Community Facilities please contact the Properties and Facilities team on 8366 4200 or