Bee Hotels

A bee hotel in Kensington Park Reserve

Many species of native bees can be found in the City of Burnside. Native bees provide important pollination services. These bees do not build hives like European honeybees. Many species of native bees nest in small holes in trees. They can also use Bee Hotels for nesting. 

What is a Bee Hotel?

Bee hotels are artificial nesting sites, made by people, for the nesting of native bees. Bee hotels can be as simple and temporary as a bundle of bamboo sticks. Or they can be larger, more complex, or more ornate, providing nest space for a range of native bee species. People install Bee Hotels so that native bees will pollinate local native plants, fruits and vegetables. It can also be fun to see the native bees using a Bee Hotel.

Bee Hotel in Kensington Park Reserve

There is a Bee Hotel in Kensington Park Reserve. The Bee Hotel was built by a  community group 'Burnside's a Buzz' and supported by the Council.  A native bee expert from the University of Adelaide, Dr Katja Hogendoorn, has supported this project and features in a video about the Bee Hotel

What can you do for native bees?

It can be enjoyable to install a Bee Hotel in your garden, but the most important thing you can do is provide food for native bees. Dr Katja Hogendoorn has produced a useful guide to suitable plants(PDF, 1023KB). Many of the recommended plants should be available through plant nurseries, particularly nurseries that specialise in indigenous plants. Council also conducts an annual Local Native Plant Giveaway (visit the website to subscribe to emails and stay informed about the giveaway).