Fire Bans

Burning is banned within the City of Burnside during the Fire Danger Season (exact dates are published each year by the CFS, prior to the Fire Danger Season) unless it is for cooking purposes. 

Domestic Burning

The following exemptions will be allowed on any day, other than a Total Fire Ban Day:

A fire for cooking purposes and personal comfort provided that:

  • The fire is contained in a properly constructed fire place; a portable appliance exclusively constructed for cooking purposes; or a trench at least 300 mm deep
  • The fire does not occupy an area in excess of 1 square metre
  • The ground and air space within a distance of 4 metres from the outer perimeter and upper most point of the burning material is clear of all flammable material
  • A person who is able to control the fire is present at the time it is lit until the time it is completely extinguished

Total fire ban days

The Burnside Council is in the Mt Lofty Ranges District in respect to Fire Ban areas.

On a Total Fire Ban Day, only gas or electric appliances will be allowed for cooking providing:

  • The BBQ is clear of all flammable material to a distance of at least 4 metres
  • A person who is able to control the fire is present at the site of the fire until it is extinguished
  • An appropriate extinguisher is at hand

On total fire ban days, all types of barbeques are banned in parks, reserves, ovals, tennis courts, vacant blocks or on any roadside, fire bans will operate from 12 midnight and be in force for 24 hours.

See the CFS Website for more information

Check for total bans through the following venues:

CFS State Operation Centre  8204 3782 
Burnside CFS  8379 0620 
Radio  Advice given from 6pm the previous day 
T.V.  Advice included in the news bulletins the previous day 
Local Signs  Watch for signs on roadsides, in picnic grounds etc

Contact details for more information

Burnside CFS
Phone: 8379 0620
Locations: 5 Glen Street, Burnside SA 5066

City of Burnside
Dimitar Uzelac and Scott Hartmann  - Fire Prevention Officers               
Phone: 8366 4200