Climate Change

Burnside Parks

Climate change is one of the most serious environmental challenges facing the world. It has the potential to affect our whole society - socially, economically and environmentally.

Council’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy aims to guide Council to reduce the impact of its activities on climate change and identify opportunities to adapt to the impact of climate change. This strategy will support Council to manage climate change impacts locally and regionally. Council is involved through its participation in the Eastern Region Alliance in Resilient East the Eastern Region Climate Adaptation project.

About climate change

Human activity and land use changes continue to release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Scientific evidence unequivocally indicates that our actions are causing a warming of the atmosphere and oceans. This is changing the climate at a rate that cannot be attributed to natural variability alone.

This warming has seen Australia experiencing warmer weather and more days with extreme heat and fewer cooler extremes, significant changes to rainfall patterns and greater exposure to hazards that result from this changing climate. This includes floods, droughts, bushfires, heatwaves, rising sea levels and increases in diseases and pests.

For more information, visit: Department of Environment - Climate Change or the Climate Change webpage to find out more about this topic and see what is happening at the federal and state levels.