Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme

The Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES) is a South Australian government initiative that requires energy retailers to help households and businesses save on energy use and costs, and lower their greenhouse gas emissions.

If you are a South Australian household or a business, you may be able to receive energy-efficiency activities at no cost or at a discount from energy retailers participating in the REES. If you are a low-income household, you may also be able to receive an energy audit.

Each energy retailer participating in the scheme decides on what mix of approved energy efficiency activities it will undertake to meet its target.

Energy efficient activities that may be offered under the REES include:

  • Installation of energy efficient lighting, water efficient shower heads, stand-by power controllers, insulation and energy efficient water heating in homes.
  • Installation of energy efficient lighting and water efficient shower heads in businesses.

To find out what activities energy retailers are currently offering, you can contact any of the obliged energy retailers in South Australia, not just the retailer currently supplying you. Energy retailers may contract out their energy audits and energy efficiency activities to third-party contactors.

Energy Advisory Line: (08) 8204 1888