Hazelwood Park Conservation Management Plan

The Hazelwood Park Conservation Management Plan was adopted on Tuesday 23 August 2016. The purpose of this Plan is to develop a long term vision for Hazelwood Park, that reflects user and community aspirations, that enhances the natural ambience and character of this State Heritage Listed Park.

The Plan provides a strategic tool to help guide and inform management decisions that reflect the parks State Heritage listing, fosters vitality with the retention of historic and natural informal character features, improves access and welcomes evolving community interactions and values.

The Hazelwood Park Conservation Management Plan aligns with the following desired outcomes of the City of Burnside’s Strategic Community Plan and can be viewed in the Related Information above:

  • A range of high quality sport and recreational opportunities and facilities that foster healthy lifestyle pursuits
  • Sustainable, engaging and functional community public spaces and streetscapes
  • Natural environments and watercourses protected and conserved in both the Hills Face and the Plains
  • Conservation and enhancement of the historic character of the City