All the information you need on recycling, composting, E-waste, hard waste, hazardous waste, waste collections and the 3 bin system in the City of Burnside. Click on one of the headings below for more information.
The Which Bin website and helpline may be helpful if you have any questions about what goes in each bin.
Information on the bin collection calendar, missed, missing or damaged bins, additional bins, compostable bags, hard waste collection and the weekly green organics trial.
Playing your part: three key waste actions for every household.
Home composting can improve your garden soil and make your plants healthier at no extra cost. See our easy guide to better composting.
City of Burnside are committed to reducing waste and increasing recycling of resources. Our Environmental Sustainability Officers can deliver a range of waste education sessions, from presentations, workshops, games and more. These free sessions are available to schools, community groups, kindergartens and businesses.
Information on our Re-use and Recycling Hub.How to dispose of electronic waste, batteries and mobile phones. Plus tips on how to re-use items you already have.
The City of Burnside offers a FREE At-Call home collection service for hard waste.
The City of Burnside has installed Doggie Dunnies in popular dog walking areas.
Disposal methods for batteries, fluorescent light globes, gas cylinders, motor oil, paint, asbestos and sharps.
Illegal dumping is the deliberate disposal of materials onto public land without a licence, permit or approval from the relevant authority. It is a criminal offence, with a maximum penalty of $5,000.
Litter Bins are emptied 1 to 3 times per week. These bins are located in our parks, reserves and on some streets.
Council is trialling a weekly green organics bin collection for 1,300 households and businesses in Beulah Park and the northern side of Kensington Park.