Bin Tips

Green bin food waste

Playing your part: three key waste actions for every household

The costs of waste and recycling are rising. You can make an important contribution to keeping costs down, helping to keep pressure off Council rates and rents. Here are three key actions for every household:

TIP 1: Make sure food waste goes in your green bin

Sending food scraps to be composted costs a fraction of the amount it costs to send them to landfill. Plus the material is then used to make useful organic compost. Burnside Council provides the tools to help you put your food scraps in your green bin, like kitchen organics baskets and compostable bags. These resources are available at the Council's customer desk at the Burnside Civic Centre.

TIP 2: If your bin’s not full, don’t put it out

Waste collection trucks can save time, fuel and wear-and-tear if they don’t have to stop for bins that are only part full. Many residents only put their waste bins out every fortnight or every month. How often do you need to put your bin out?

TIP 3: Reduce your waste when you’re shopping

There are many ways to reduce waste while shopping. There are re-useable bags for fruit and vegetables, so you can avoid single-use plastic bags altogether. Reduce food waste and save money by using a shopping list and only buying what you need. Choose products with minimal packaging or reduce packaging by buying in bulk; for example, instead of buying small individual packets for lunches, consider buying a large pack and then using re-useable containers for items each day.

If there was one more tip, it would be to talk more about waste and recycling. The more people who take action, the greater the financial and environmental benefits will be - let your friends and neighbours know!

Taking these actions will save Council funds and keep the pressure off Council rates and rents. Plus your household will be making a valuable contribution to waste reduction!

Which bin?

If you need more information about what items can be placed in each bin, please read What Goes in Which Bin?