
What is domestic Greywater?

Domestic greywater is wastewater generated from:

  • Bathrooms (including shower, bath and hand basin *Please note toilet water is NOT considered greywater)
  • Laundries (including washing machines and troughs)
  • Kitchens (including sinks and dishwashers *Please note that some greywater systems are NOT designed to receive greywater from the kitchen, due to the high levels of food particles, grease, fats and oils)

Manual bucketing and temporary diversion of greywater is permitted in South Australia, however there are some guidelines which are outlined in the factsheet below "Manual bucketing & temporary diversion of greywater". You also need to be aware of the environmental and health considerations - please see factsheet below.

Permanent greywater treatment systems require an application to be lodged with SA Heath - details outlined below.

Approval Process: Permanent Onsite Domestic Greywater Installation

SA Health is the State Government body responsible for approving permanent onsite domestic greywater systems for South Australian residents.

The Wastewater Management Section of SA Health can provide assistance and advice for various alternative wastewater systems. Application forms can be downloaded from the Waste Management Section webpage (click on the link above). SA Health recommends that you discuss the proposed installation with Department Officers in the early stages of planning, Phone 8226 7100.

The City of Burnside's Environmental Health Officers are located at the Eastern Health Authority. Environmental Health Officer's welcome your contact to discuss health and environmental issues surrounding alternative domestic wastewater systems, please call 8132 3600.