Council Advocates for Climate Change Action

Published on 25 September 2019

COB Councillor ÔÇô Anne Monceaux _DSC1573 ÔÇô 2018 (o).jpg

The City of Burnside last night resolved to declare that a climate emergency exists, advocating for action and collaboration across all tiers of government, while recognising that climate change needs to be considered holistically in the decisions and operations of Council.

Mayor Anne Monceaux said the resolution was a milestone moment for Council and reflected the community sentiment over the future of our planet, and the importance of it for generations to come.

Burnside is already implementing excellent programs including switching to LED street lighting, renewable power, sustainable procurement, biodiversity programs, waste education and Water Sensitive Urban Design.

“We can always do more,” Mayor Monceaux said. “Diverting waste from landfill, reducing fleet emissions, increasing use of solar power and educating our ratepayers on what they can do will all assist minimising harm to our environment.”

“We had several residents, across all age groups, present their arguments to us in the Chamber last night. They were passionate in their concerns and all genuinely feared for the world their children and grandchildren may face.”

“I am so proud of this Council. This Council is the first in the ERA (Eastern Region Alliance) and one of first in metropolitan Adelaide to take this stand.”

“Left unchecked, climate change has the potential for major consequences, particularly more severe weather events. And Burnside is not immune. Given the spread of our City geographically, we can be vulnerable to the impacts of a changing climate.”

“I commend Cr Paul Huebl for bringing this motion to Council. This is one of the proudest moments of my nine years on Council,” Mayor Monceaux said.

In making this declaration the City joins and stands in solidarity with local governments across the nation who have already declared a climate emergency.

The motion comes as Council considered a report on the work already undertaken to reduce and mitigate overall impact on climate change and proposed initiatives for the future.

A recording of the meeting is accessible online via  


 1.         That Council acknowledge the work being done to both mitigate and adapt to, Climate Change within the City of Burnside through initiatives within the ‘Climate Change – Actions for Adaptation and Mitigation’ Report.

 2.         That Council recognise the need to give climate mitigation and adaptation a greater emphasis in decisions and operations.

 3.         That Council declares that climate change poses a significant risk to both the quality of life of residents within the City of Burnside and its natural and built environments.

 4.         Declare that we are in a state of climate emergency that requires urgent action by all levels of government in Australia, including Local Government and the City of Burnside to both slow down changes in climate and for communities to adapt to it. Therefore, Council instructs administration to:

           4.1 ensure climate change is a key priority within the development of Council’s strategic plan (currently in development);    

           4.2 develop a climate change policy; and

           4.3 monitor and provide an annual report to Council on performance in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation.

 5.         Instructs the Mayor to write to the Australian Prime Minister, the South Australian Premier, State and Federal MPs whose electorates contain or adjoin the City of Burnside, and the CEOs and Mayors of all South Australian Councils, providing a copy of this resolution and calling upon them to act urgently to address climate change and its impacts.


Contact: Jenny Barrett 0408 717 025

Issued by:

Mayor Anne Monceaux

City of Burnside


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