Wyfield Reserve

Wyfield Reserve

Looking for somewhere new to walk nearby? Wyfield Reserve is one of our quieter reserves and has some fantastic views as you ascend the zig-zag path to Knox Terrace. Please note that this path is narrow and steep, so please walk carefully and safely!

The path is a class 3 walking trail. Users can expect to encounter natural hazards such as steep slopes, unstable surfaces, minor obstacles and snakes in warm weather. The reserve is a steep west-facing slope containing relicts of Mallee Box (Eucalyptus porosa) woodland which is usually found in plains woodlands. In the Skye area, Mallee Box extends up into the hills. The reserve is 2.1 ha in area. The commonest wildflowers in spring are White Goodenia (Goodenia albiflora) and Creamy Candles (Stackhousia monogyna). Management involves removing woody weeds, increasing the density of native trees and managing ground growth to encourage native flora.


LOT 119 Wyfield St, Skye 5072  View Map

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