Associations & Support Networks

Department of State Development

Helping industry, business and communities identify and capitalise on opportunities for job creation and economic growth.

The Department of State Development helps industry, business and communities identify and capitalise upon opportunities for job creation and economic growth.

It harnesses the South Australian Government’s expertise in attracting investment, improving industry competitiveness and building a skilled workforce.

More information

Department of State Development (DSD)
Location: Level 4, 11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

Visit Department for Innovation and Skills for more information.

Support services for small business

  • Business SA - Find online resources for start-up and existing businesses including business guides, workbooks, templates, interactive search tools, videos and events.
  • Small Business Contact Service - Call 1300 142 820 for referral to sources of business information, advice or services.
  • Australian Business Licence and Information Service (ABLIS) - Find information on the licenses, registrations and permits required to operate your business in South Australia.

Propel SA

Propel SA

Tap into a library of business resources and helpful information; Learn how to grow your business with advice and workshops; Connect with a growing network of business members.

Propel SA offers current business information on Tax GST and PAYG, business registration, marketing and business bench marks. They can help you with your training needs face to face, one on one, in a group situation or online.

People do business with people they know, trust and like but what happens when you’re new to business and don’t know where to turn? Propel SA can help with business referrals to a network of local professionals that they can refer you to for specific assistance with your business such as accountants, solicitors, marketing consultants, insurers etc.

Propel SA also has a national business directory that you can search by type of business, name or location that will put you in contact with people across a wide range of industries that can help in both your business and personal life.

Alternatively, if you are looking to grow your business, you might like to consider marketing your business through Propel SA as a point of contact or though the Propel SA business directory.

Propel SA has information on Government Grants and assistance programs that you may be eligible for.

Propel SA is all about supporting local business and one way they do this is by encouraging local businesses to meet each other and share experiences and network for more business, developing strategic alliances, establishing local community liaisons.

Being in business by yourself can be difficult, especially when there is limited accountability to others or no one else to turn to for advice. This is where ongoing business mentoring for support can be extremely useful and is offered for start-up and established small and micro businesses.

Got an idea for a business but not sure if it will work? Propel SA can assist you with business feasibility testing, business planning and advice on purchasing a business.

Alternatively, you might need a hand seeing just how successful your established business is or how to improve things though business planning including marketing and financial analysis of your business.