Outdoor Trading


Visually there is no better indication of the strength of business than the use of adjacent footpaths for outdoor dining or on-street trading. Both activities create interest and serve to stimulate the local economy.

The City of Burnside provides guidelines and application forms for both On-street Trading and Outdoor Dining, which regulate the display of goods and trading on Council footpaths within public spaces (footpaths and streets).

Appropriate locations for on-street trading and outdoor dining are those adjoining sites which have already been approved for retail use, that is, within commercial zones and precints.

For trading on the footpath area including for outdoor dining purposes, an initial fee and thereafter an annual license fee will be payable.

Fees are set by Council annually and published in the Fees & Charges, based on net area. Should a public area be required for the display of items only, with no trading or service on the footpath, no annual licence fee is payable, however a permit is still required.

The trader is responsible for cleanliness of the designated trading/dining area and must ensure that no nuisance to the general public is created by the trading or dining experience.