Essential Safety Provisions

The term 'essential safety provisions' (ESPs) is defined in Schedule 1 of the Development Regulations and it includes any safety systems, equipment or other provisions defined as such, or required to be installed in a building under the Development Regulations, Building Code or Minister's Specification 76.

ESPs are a standard part of owning a commercial or multi-unit residential building, and are critical for the safety of the property and its occupants. ESPs are fire safety items which prevent the spread of fire and allow for effective evacuation in the event of an emergency, such as fire extinguishers, non-flammable linings, and exit doors.

ESP requirements for a building are set when development approval is granted, in the form of:

  • Form 1 – schedule of ESPs to be installed in the building, specifies installation and maintenance standards
  • Form 2 – to be completed by the installer of each item (e.g builder), then returned to Council
  • Form 3 – if applicable to the building, must be completed and returned to Council annually

Council holds a variety of electronic and hard copy records that relate to development applications. Prior to the 1994 Development Act, unfortunately, not all plans and documents were stored or retained by the Council, so we may not have the historical applications you are after.

Any requests for EPS's are classed as a Plan Search, a fee of $30.00 is payable for each submission.


Click here to view form.