The Shed Demonstration Verge

Demo Verge 2021 08 06.jpg

In 2020 a group of Burnside residents proposed a project and were successful in gaining funding from the 'Your Neighbourhood'’ program for the establishment of a demonstration verge garden. The idea was to show a practical example to local residents of a verge planted with attractive, mainly native species that conform to Council’s Verge Planting Guidelines(PDF, 220KB)The Demonstration Verge at The Shed, 6 Conyngham Street, Glenside was planted up in August 2021 and will be maintained by council as a resource for residents.

If you want to plant your own verge you need to submit a Verge/Road Reserve Landscaping or Planting Application to get permission from Council.

Image top right: The Demonstration Verge soon after planting in August 2021. Watch it grow over time.

Design features of the Demonstration Verge

  • Low growing groundcovers and tussocks - maximum height to be kept to 500 mm from water table.
  • All native, including species indigenous to the Burnside area and common horticultural natives.
  • Low maintenance - some trimming will be required.
  • Low water requirements - sub-surface irrigation drippers have been installed.
  • Non-weedy species.
  • No dangerous species (e.g. thorns and spikes).
  • Layout allows for collection of waste bins, access for pedestrians to parked cars, and protects existing street trees.

Demo Verge volunteer planting 2021 08 06.jpg

Image above: Volunteers planting up the Demonstration Verge in August 2021.

Species used in the Demonstration Verge

Species name Common name Life form Height Width Indigenous/ native/exotic
Calocephalus citreus Lemon beauty heads Herbaceous 0.3 0.3 Indigenous
Carprobrotus rossii Karkalla Groundcover 0.3 1 Native
Casuarina 'Cousin It' Cousin It Groundcover 0.3 1 Native
Chrysocephalum apiculatum Common everlasting Herbaceous 0.3 0.3 Indigenous
Dichondra repens Tom Thumb Groundcover 0.1 0.3 Indigenous
Eremophila glabra 'Kalbari Carpet' Prostrate Emu Bush Groundcover 0.3 1 Native
Eremophila glabra 'Roseworthy' (prostrate) Prostrate Emu Bush Groundcover 0.3 1 Native
Eremophila subteretifolia Lake King Eremophila Groundcover 0.3 1 Native
Goodenia ovata (prostrate) Prostrate Goodenia Groundcover 0.3 1 Native
Grevillea obtusifolia Obtuse-leaved Grevillea Groundcover 0.3 1 Native
Helichrysum scorpioides Button everlasting Wildflower 0.3 0.3 Indigenous
Kennedia prostrata Running Postman Groundcover 0.2 1 Indigenous
Lomandra 'Little Pal' Lomandra Tussock 0.5 0.5 Native
Lomandra 'Shara' Lomandra Tussock 0.3 0.3 Native
Lomandra "Little Lime" Lomandra Tussock 0.3 0.3 Native
Lomandra confertifolia 'Little Con' Lomandra Tussock 0.3 0.3 Native
Lomandra densiflora Soft Tussock Mat-rush Tussock 0.3 0.3 Indigenous
Lomandra multiflora ssp. dura Hard Mat-rush Tussock 0.3 0.3 Indigenous
Orthrosanthus multiflorus Morning Flag Tussock 0.3 0.3 Native
Pultenaea pedunculata Matted Bush-pea Groundcover 0.2 1 Indigenous
Scaevola aemula 'Mauve Clusters' Fairy Fan Flower Groundcover 0.3 0.5 Native
Vittadinia blackii New Holland Daisy Herbaceous 0.3 0.3 Indigenous


Note: 'Indigenous' refers to species found naturally in the Burnside area before European colonization, whereas 'Native' can be from any part of Australia or a horticulturally derived cultivar. Exotic refers to species that are not found naturally in Australia.