Diverse Culture
City of Burnside has a diverse range of cultures living within its City, which brings a rich and vibrant energy that we embrace and nurture. City of Burnside welcomes new residents from all over the world every year.
Burnside Library
Our library has a large selection of books, DVDs and CDs in many different languages, and can order in more resources from other libraries.
Community Languages
We celebrate the background of many of our residents in our calendar of events, which includes celebration days for countries from all around the world. You are welcome to attend these celebrations and find out more about the background of the people who make up our community.
What's on at the Library
If you are a new resident to Australia, you may be eligible to become an Australian Citizen. The Mayor officiates at Citizenship Ceremonies as required at the Burnside Civic Centre. This culminates in the Australia Day celebration where many new residents choose to have their citizenship bestowed as part of the celebrations of the day. If you are interested in becoming a Citizen, please contact border.gov.au.