Regal Theatre Precinct Master Plan

Regal Theatre Interior

The Regal Theatre Precinct Master Plan provides holistic direction for the future of The Regal Theatre precinct that is strategic, evidenced-based and considers community feedback, current and future demographics, and emerging trends and community needs.

The master plan was subject to three rounds of community consultation, with Council receiving over 2,000 submissions. The final round of consultation generated more than 600 responses with an overwhelming majority of 76 per cent of respondents supporting the plan.

Based on what our community told us they wanted for The Regal Theatre precinct, the master plan seeks to:

  • Preserve and enhance the heritage value of the theatre building.
  • Accommodate movies, live entertainment and complementary activities to increase the use and patronage of the Theatre and surrounding outdoor precinct.
  • Provide sufficient car parking, easily accessible connections and disability access and
  • Provide increased useable open space, tree planting and landscaping and improve environmental sustainability of the area.

From here, Council will undertake detailed design. Any future implementation of the master plan will be subject to funding approval by Council over time.