Atrium Arts Program

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The Atrium program encourages and supports community groups, schools, not-for-profit organisations and artists to exhibit artwork and connect with the local community. It is designed to be an artist/group run space supported by Council, giving local artists and groups the opportunity to exhibit and showcase their work for public display.

Designed for hanging wall art (i.e. paintings, drawings, printmaking, photography etc.), the Atrium is a multi-purpose space and is also used for Council customer service, meetings, enquiries and other activities.

If you would like to find out more information about exhibiting in the Atrium please email Alex, Exhibitions and Community Arts Officer at or call 8364 6154 (Tuesday to Friday).

2024 Atrium Exhibitions

24 January - 23 February 2024

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Eastern Suburbs Camera Club Inc.
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Peter Zarko-Flynn, Emma, Champion Print 2023

The Committee and Members of Eastern Suburbs Camera Club (ESCC) are delighted to showcase print images from their 65th annual exhibition held in December 2023.
The display demonstrates members’ passion and creativity for the art of photography. ESCC aims to assist members to develop their skills, knowledge and appreciation of photography in a friendly environment. New members are most welcome.

28 February - 22 March 2024

Pastel Artists of South Australia
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Diana Bradshaw, Sturt Desert Pea

The ability of pastels to easily work with other mediums, makes for unique artistic creativity. Members are very varied in style and topics, whilst the sheer vibrancy of colour can add visual delight to any image. Members are encouraged to have a go at new techniques while also developing their own unique styles.

27 March - 23 April 2024

Ruth Tuck Art School
Mixed Media Children's Art
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Painting by Jasper age 5

Located at Hubbe Court, Burnside, the school was established by renowned watercolour artist Ruth Tuck in 1955. The Ruth Tuck Art School continues Ruth's passion for teaching and inspiring young artists by following Ruth's techniques that focus on support, enthusiasm and good quality materials, specialising in watercolour painting and oil pastels. In this annual exhibition artwork by current students artwork will be exhibited.

2 - 24 May 2024

Turns Twenty One!
T'Arts Textiles and Arts Collective

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Rita Kellaway, Abyssus, Glass

This exhibition celebrates all of the artists who have contributed to setting up and developing the T’Arts Collective over the last 21 years. Eight original members remain. The ones who have left are affectionately known as ‘Old T’Arts’. Artwork on display includes textiles, ceramics, sculpture, jewellery, glass and more.

12 June - 19  2024

‘My Favourite Toy’
International Youth Painting Expo


This children’s art display is designed to promote and showcase Sino-Australian cultural exchanges and support the cultural and artistic exchange between Chinese and Australian youths, together we safeguard peace, share beauty, and protect the global natural ecological environment.

24 July - 29 August 2024

Burnside Painting Group
South Australian Living Artist Festival

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An exhibition of paintings by current members of the Burnside Painting Group.

Evelynne-Richardson, Just a Bite