Public Art in Burnside


Public art creates vibrant spaces for people to engage, interact and reflect. The City of Burnside is currently looking at how public art can reflect and celebrate our community, history and provide a sense of place.

Council adopted a Public Art Policy(PDF, 149KB) in May 2022 and an implementation plan is now being developed to guide the funding of new public art projects in the City. The plan will provide guidance and create clear definitions on the direction which Council and the community are seeking to take regarding public art.

Consultation has now closed and we appreciate your time and input into shaping the future of public art in Burnside. There has been some very valuable comments about how public art can reflect and celebrate the local Burnside community.

Next Steps

From here the project team is busy collating all the comments and feedback provided by people who attended the information sessions and 1:1 meetings along with the data from the recent online survey.

Once this is complete, a draft Public Art Implementation Plan will be developed and workshopped with Council Members on 10 August 2023.

Following this, a final round of community consultation will occur to ensure the community is on board with the direction of the draft Implementation Plan. Please keep an eye on Council’s social media, website and Focus Magazine where this will be advertised and you will have an opportunity to re-engage with the process before the plan is completed.

Further Information

For more information contact the Community Development Team by email at