On Leash and Off Leash Areas
On Leash Areas
All dogs must be on a chain, cord or leash not exceeding 2 metres in length in all public places other than a park or reserve (except as detailed below).
Dogs need to be on a leash while being walked on a footpath or road, including road related areas, such as the median strip area of Alexandra Avenue, Rose Park.
The following areas of local government land are dog on leash areas:
- All public playgrounds and land within 10 metres of public playgrounds (excluding Dog Free areas).
- All land within fenced areas associated with public playgrounds (excluding Dog Free areas).
- All land on and within 10 metres of organised sporting ovals, pitches, courts and fields (unenclosed) during such time as there is organised sport and/or organised training for sports being carried out.
- All land used as the external dining area associated with the George Bolton Swimming Centre Kiosk/Café and all land outside the perimeter of the pool area, which is within 10 metres of the outer edge of the external dining area associated with the George Bolton Swimming Centre Kiosk/Café.
- At Kensington Gardens Reserve/Kensington Wama within all land within the area bounded by red on the map below, totalling approximately 7,840 square metres, during school terms set by the South Australian Department for Education, between 8 am and 9 am Monday to Thursday and 3 pm and 4 pm Monday to Thursday.
Additionally, for the protection of wildlife, Council has resolved that dogs are required to be on leash in the following sensitive areas:
- Chambers Gully Reserve.
- Heatherbank Reserve.
- Michael Perry Reserve.
- The wetland area at Kensington Gardens Reserve/Kensington Wama.
City of Burnside has many natural areas, supporting a wide range of wildlife, including threatened species. Dogs are known to disturb, stress and prey upon birds, mammals and reptiles. Keeping dogs on leash in these sensitive reserves with high biodiversity value will minimise the risk of dogs attacking or stressing wildlife.
Dog Free Areas:
- Tusmore Wading Pool and all land within its associated fenced area while the pool contains water and is operational.
Off Leash Areas:
- Except the reserves and areas listed above, all Council’s parks and reserves are off leash areas but dogs must be exercised under effective control as per the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995.
- The dog(s) must respond to the owner's commands, be in close proximity to the owner and the owner must be able to see the dog at all times.
- Council has a designated enclosed dog park on Conyngham Street, Glenside.