Changes to Services on Extreme or Catastrophic Fire Days

Fire Danger Ratings

The delivery of services to the City of Burnside community have been reviewed in line with the Country Fire Service (CFS) Mt Lofty Ranges Fire Ban District. Households within this zone, will be affected on Extreme and Catastrophic Fire Danger Days with reduced, or no, services undertaken. Services will recommence following a return to normal weather conditions.


The City of Burnside has aligned its service delivery boundary with the CFS Fire Ban District boundary. Residents within this zone will be affected by changed service delivery on days of Extreme or Catastrophic Fire Danger.

Council undertakes a yearly review at the end of each Fire Danger Season on the current services that are delivered to our community and the areas to which they are delivered. This ensures all reasonably foreseeable hazards associated with Extreme and Catastrophic Fire Danger Days can be addressed.

On Extreme and Catastrophic Fire Danger Days there will be a reduction or cessation in the services that we provide in the Mt Lofty Ranges Fire Ban District. These changes can be seen in the Service Delivery Matrix on page 2 of the file below.

Services will recommence following a return to normal weather conditions with extra servicing for domestic waste collection to maintain an up-to-date service.

In the event of an operational emergency, which requires a response by Council, the relevant steps will be taken to coordinate a response in the shortest possible time to minimise the loss of life and/or injury, minimise damage to property, and to protect the health and safety of City of Burnside workers.

The Service Delivery Matrix is based on a risk management approach to ensure the safety of the community and workers, through controlling services if they are likely to cause/contribute to a fire risk or place the community at risk.

What can I do?

Have you prepared your home and property? Have you got a Bushfire Survival Plan?

To find out what you can do or to find out if it is an Extreme or Catastrophic Fire Danger Day go to .

Contact the City of Burnside for more information on Council services during Fire Danger Days on 8366 4200.