Species in the lists are placed in the four groups separated by a "/". A "+" symbol indicates that there are local species present other than those listed. Eg: REMNANT: ALv Apyc/Or Bs/COr Dir +
The term "native colonisers" refers to indigenous annual plants that colonise the ground naturally when exotic weeds are removed. Depending on the site, these will be any of the following species: Cotula australis, Crassula species, Epilobium billardieranum, Isolepis marginata, Juncus bufonius, Lythrum hyssopifolium, Pseudognaphalium luteo-album, Senecio quadridentatus.
1. Oval Terrace Reserve
AREA: 0.1ha
DESCRIPTION: open space with remnant Red Gum trees along verge, planted with indigenous flora.
MANAGEMENT: eradicate weeds, plant as appropriate.
PLANTED: ALv Apyc Cg/Dv +
2. Kensington Park Reserve, eastern end
AREA: 1ha
DESCRIPTION: remnant canopy of River Red Gum, establishment of shrubs and ground flora
MANAGEMENT: eradicate weeds, protect natural regeneration, plant as appropriate.
REMNANT: Ec plus native colonisers.
PLANTED: ALv Apyc Cg/ Aa Bs Dv Or/ AS AD
CHt/ARs Gp +
NOTES: Native orchids have been found at this site,
not planted - Microtis (Onion Orchid) and
Pterostylis (Greenhood Orchid).
3. Glynburn Road, Big Red Gum
AREA: 100m2
DESCRIPTION: Original grassland flora has been established in the small available area at the base of the ancient Red Gum. This provides some original context for this important tree.
MANAGEMENT: eradicate weeds, plant as appropriate, cut to keep tidy
REMNANT: Ec plus native colonisers
NOTES: probably the oldest and largest River Red
Gum on the Adelaide Plains
4. Kensington Gardens, remnant tree canopy
AREA: approx 5ha
DESCRIPTION: remnant canopy of original forest, Red Gum near the creek, SA Blue Gum further from the creek.
MANAGEMENT: an urban recreational park: no particular conservation measures in place.
REMNANT: Ec El , some native grass
5. Kensington Gardens, area near duck pond
AREA: 0.1ha
DESCRIPTION: understorey redevelopment under existing SA Blue Gum canopy.
MANAGEMENT: weed eradication, care of natural regeneration, appropriate plantings.
REMNANT: El plus native colonisers
PLANTED: ALv Apyc /Dv Bs Or Ga/ AS AD J/ BUb ARs +
6. South Terrace, no. 20 verge
AREA: 200m2
DESCRIPTION: remnant native grassland on verges on both sides of the eastern end of South Terrace
MANAGEMENT: control major weeds, cut after seed
set to keep tidy.
7. Kensington Road, no. 406 verge
AREA: 30m2
DESCRIPTION: remnant native grass on verge
MANAGEMENT: work on major weeds, cut to keep tidy.
8. Wynyard Grove, no. 12 verge
AREA: 80m2
DESCRIPTION: remnant native grass on verge
MANAGEMENT: major weeds, cutting to keep tidy.
9. Pepper Street Gallery, indigenous garden
AREA: 200m2
DESCRIPTION: Former weedy area being developed as a local flora garden.
MANAGEMENT: eradicate weeds, plant as appropriate.
PLANTED: El ALv Apyc/ Bs Dv/THt AS/ Gp
NOTES: significant volunteer effort at this site.
10. Young Park
AREA: 0.1ha
DESCRIPTION: remnant Callitris woodland being restored. The reserve was formed from the amalgamation of an unmade road reserve with an undeveloped allotment purchased by Council with the assistance of the owner and the State Government.
MANAGEMENT: aim to eradicate weeds, protect all remnant native flora and regeneration, appropriate replanting.
REMNANT: Cg Ec El Apyc /Aa /AD AS CHt Ld Lm
/ARs MAe Vc DIr EIn COr +
NOTES: considerable volunteer assistance at this site.
11. Romalo Reserve, western side
AREA: 100m2
DESCRIPTION: some remnant native species in otherwise weedy area.
MANAGEMENT: major weed control only at this stage.
NOTES: considerable volunteer assistance at this site.
12. Auldana North Reserve
AREA: 3.48ha
DESCRIPTION: former vineyard land with area of
Mallee Box woodland at eastern end
MANAGEMENT: voluntary bushcare work in woodland area
REMNANT: Ep Apyc/Ap/AD AS /Ga Gp+
NOTES: about 40 indigenous species occur in this reserve requiring a considerable amount of restoration work. Bush For Life volunteer site.
13. Auldana South Reserve
AREA: 6.41ha
DESCRIPTION: SA Blue Gum and Mallee Box woodlands and grasslands
MANAGEMENT: major weed removal and slashing for fire hazard reduction
REMNANT: Ep El Apyc/Dv Bs/AS AD /GOe +
NOTES: a considerable amount of restoration work is still needed; about 40 indigenous species occur in this reserve.
14. Wattle Park Reserve
AREA: 2.7ha
DESCRIPTION: undeveloped former vineyard land
MANAGEMENT: slashing only at this stage.
REMNANT: one Ep, one ALv, some AS and AD,
good patch Vb
NOTES: scope for development into a natural area.
15. Magill Stone Mine Reserve
AREA: 3.5ha
DESCRIPTION: This reserve contains remnants of the original Mallee Box woodland of the area and contains about 40 indigenous plant species. It also contains state heritage listed stone mines.
MANAGEMENT: considerable effort has gone into woody weed removal although much is still to be done. There is walking access through the reserve.
REMNANT: Ep El Apyc/Or/ AS AD Lm / Ars Dir Gp Vb +
NOTES: There are two Bush for Life volunteer sites in this reserve.
16. Coach Road, verge
AREA: 300m2
DESCRIPTION: Remnant Mallee Box with some native grass and Pimelea stricta
MANAGEMENT: grass cutting only
NOTES: scope for more restoration work.
17. Haven Road, verge
DESCRIPTION: scattered remnant native flora along the uphill sides of the road.
MANAGEMENT: contract spraying.
REMNANT: about 30 indigenous species
NOTES: only occurrence of Hymenanthera dentata
(Tree Violet) in Burnside, scope for improved management.
18. Knox Terrace, verge
DESCRIPTION: scattered remnant flora on
road verge.
MANAGEMENT: fire hazard reduction
NOTES: scope for improved conservation management of this verge
19. Homestead Crescent, verge
DESCRIPTION: scattered remnant flora on road verge.
MANAGEMENT: fire hazard reduction.
NOTES: adjacent to privately owned woodland. No active conservation management.
20. Laver Reserve, lower part
AREA: 0.5ha
DESCRIPTION: degraded SA Blue Gum woodland
MANAGEMENT: fire hazard reduction only at
this stage.
REMNANT: El Apyc /Dv Bs AS AD +
NOTES: scope for improved management.
21. Horsnell Gully Conservation Park
This Conservation Park is located in the Hills Council Area and is managed by the Parks and Wildlife Service. Access from Coach Road or from Horsnell Gully Road.
22. Wyfield Reserve
AREA: 2.12ha
DESCRIPTION: remnant degraded Mallee Box woodland on steep slope.
MANAGEMENT: woody weed removal has commenced.
REMNANT: Ep Apyc/ AS AD Ld Stackhousia monogyna +
NOTES: scope for considerably more restoration work.
23. Clark Street, traffic island
AREA: 400m2
DESCRIPTION: sloping traffic island planted with a range of local flora.
MANAGEMENT: eradicate weeds, protect
regeneration, plant as appropriate.
REMNANT: native colonisers
PLANTED: ALv Cg/Ga Aa/AS AD /Gp Vc BUb +
24. Edinburgh Avenue, road closure
AREA: 300m2
DESCRIPTION: sloping site planted with local trees and shrubs.
MANAGEMENT: weed eradication, planting as appropriate.
25. Ilfracombe Drive, traffic island
AREA: 250m2
DESCRIPTION: remnant Callitris with some local flora and residents plantings.
MANAGEMENT: remove major weeds, protect natural regeneration.
REMNANT: Cg, Carex inversa
NOTES: managed by parks field staff and residents.
26. Bell Yett Reserve, creekline
AREA: 1ha
DESCRIPTION: creekline being established with local flora.
MANAGEMENT: eradicate weeds, re-establish appropriate vegetation.
PLANTED: many species.
NOTES: The eroded creekline in this reserve has been engineered to place erosive storm flows in a pipe underground while preserving low flows on the surface. Careful restoration work is resulting in the development of a weed free riparian flora along the creek. River Red Gum naturally regenerate in profusion and are thinned as part of the management.
27. Ferguson Conservation Park
This relic Blue Gum - Native Pine woodland contains a wide range of indigenous plant species. It is managed by the Parks and Wildlife Service.
28. Statenborough Street, 1 Wallace Street
AREA: 50m2
DESCRIPTION: remnant native grass with
Golden Wattle.
MANAGEMENT: major weeds, cut to keep tidy.
29. Harris Reserve
AREA: 0.26ha
DESCRIPTION: very degraded creekline with remnant River Red Gum.
MANAGEMENT: potential for rehabilitation.
NOTES: undeveloped reserve on Second Creek. There is scope for restoration work.
30. Hazelwood Park, Spear Grass patch
AREA: 20m2
DESCRIPTION: patch of remnant spear grass
MANAGEMENT: weed control, additional indigenous plantings, cut to keep tidy.
REMNANT: Stipa nodosa, Chloris truncata
NOTES: There is also a remnant Calostemma purpureum (Garland Lily) at the base of a nearby blue gum tree.
31. Hazelwood Park, remnant indigenous trees
AREA: 12ha
DESCRIPTION: remnant canopy of original woodland, Red Gum near creek, SA Blue Gum further away.
MANAGEMENT: an urban recreational park. No particular conservation measures in place.
PLANTED: some local River Red Gum has been planted.
NOTES: there is also a rare hybrid of Grey Box and SA Blue Gum.
32. Greenhill Road, no. 482 verge
AREA: 10m2
DESCRIPTION: remnant patch of native grass
and saltbush.
MANAGEMENT: control major weeds.
REMNANT: AD/Eln, Enchylaena tomentosa
33. Rivington Grove, no. 3 verge
AREA: 40m2
DESCRIPTION: sloping verge established with local flora in association with residents front garden.
MANAGEMENT: remove all weeds, cut back to keep tidy.
PLANTED: Em Apyc/ Dv Bs Ga Aa/Gp ARs BUb Vc/ AD
NOTES: considerable volunteer assistance at this site.
34. Tusmore Park, River Red Gums
DESCRIPTION: several large old River Red Gums along the creek line.
MANAGEMENT: plant more Red Gums and other species as appropriate.
NOTES: considerable scope for improving the creek in this park.
35. Town Hall, carpark - tree plantation
DESCRIPTION: plantation of indigenous trees in carpark.
PLANTED: Em in median areas, some El on edge.
NOTES: Grey Box propagated from remnant trees in Beaumont Common.
36. Town Hall, planter box by staff gate
AREA: 8m2
DESCRIPTION: display area for local ground flora.
MANAGEMENT: keep weed free, prune to keep tidy, water occasionally to compensate for transpiration by tree.
PLANTED: various smaller growing species including Leptorrhynchos squamatus (Scaly Buttons).
37. Austral Park, tree plantation
DESCRIPTION: plantation of indigenous trees in
parkland lawn
MANAGEMENT: urban park management
38. Sydney Street Reserve
AREA: 0.1ha
DESCRIPTION: This park is not irrigated and is planted with indigenous flora.
MANAGEMENT: lawn maintained, garden beds thoroughly weeded, shrubs pruned, trees trained to central leadeer
PLANTED: El ALv Cg/Bs Dv Or +
NOTES: SA Blue Gums propagated from remnant tree in Burnside Village.
39. Sydney Street, no. 73 verge
AREA: 100m2
DESCRIPTION: verge planted with local flora.
MANAGEMENT: eliminate weeds, continue planting.
NOTES: managed in conjunction with residents
40. Glenside Stormwater Basin, fenced area
AREA: 0.5ha
DESCRIPTION: trashracks, engineered creekline, planted with indigenous vegetation.
MANAGEMENT: remove major weeds, cut to keep tidy, remove rubbish
PLANTED: Ec El ALv Cg Apyc Ar/ Dv Bs Ga Aa/CYv J
AS AD/DIr Gp Vc Vb +
NOTES: River Red Gum has naturally regenerated from upstream. Habitat for native hens and plovers.
41. Glen Osmond Road/Glenunga Avenue, verge
AREA: 40m2
DESCRIPTION: area landscaped with indigenous flora.
MANAGEMENT: garden maintenance.
PLANTED: ALv Apyc/Bs Dv Ga/AS AD +
42. Gilles Road Reserve
AREA: 0.23ha
DESCRIPTION: drainage reserve with local flora.
MANAGEMENT: eliminate weeds, flora planted or regenerated.
REMNANT: native colonisers
PLANTED: Ec Em ALv Apyc Ar/Bs Dv Or Ga/CYv J AS
AD/ GOe DIr +
43. Wheal Gawler Mine Reserve
AREA: 0.42ha
DESCRIPTION: steep grassland with a range of native ground flora and old mine adits
MANAGEMENT: major weed eradication, planting, grass cutting.
REMNANT: Apyc/ AD AS ENn/ Ga Ld COr +
PLANTED: Ec El Em ALv Apyc Ap
NOTES: walking track link to Wheal Gawler Street. Scope for more detailed restoration work.
44. Mine Chimney Reserve
AREA: 2.2ha
DESCRIPTION: native grassland with exotic plantings and weeds.
MANAGEMENT: little management at this stage, some grass cutting for fire hazard reduction.
NOTES: some excellent quality stands of native grass including Aristida behriana, historic mine chimney, no walking trail access at this stage
45. Danthonia Reserve
AREA: 7.6ha
DESCRIPTION: hills face site with degraded Grey Box, River Red Gum and Sheoak grassy woodlands.
MANAGEMENT: control of major weeds, grass cutting.
REMNANT: ALv Em Ec/Dv Ap/AS AD Ld/ DIr Ga COr Vc +
NOTES: walking trail link. Bush For Life volunteer site.
46. Mount Osmond Road, south
DESCRIPTION: hills face steep road verge containing a range of less common species.
MANAGEMENT: little at this stage.
NOTES: other species: Linum marginale, Bulbine bulbosa, Exocarpos cupressiformis.
47. Zig Zag Reserve
AREA: 1.6ha
DESCRIPTION: steeply sloping valley, Sheoak woodland remnant at top of slope.
MANAGEMENT: gradual removal of woody weeds, grass cutting, planting.
REMNANT: Alv Ec/AD AS Tt ENn/ Vc Vb COr +
NOTES: walking trail link from Gully Reserve to Danthonia Reserve. Bush for Life volunteers work in this reserve.
48. Gully Reserve
AREA: 11.6ha
DESCRIPTION: steeply sloping gully with some remnants of the original woodland flora, Sheoak woodland remnant at top of slope.
MANAGEMENT: gradual removal of woody weeds, grass cutting, planting.
REMNANT: Alv El Apyc/Bs/AD AS Tt ENn/ Vc Vb COr +
PLANTED: ALv Apyc Ar Ev El
NOTES: walking trail link from Gully Reserve to Danthonia Reserve. Bush for Life volunteers work in this reserve.
49. Mount Osmond Road, verge - north
DESCRIPTION: hills face road verge containing
remnant trees and some ground flora.
MANAGEMENT: grass cutting for fire hazard
REMNANT: El Ec ALv Apyc/AS AD Tt +
50. Themeda Reserve
AREA: 9.1ha
DESCRIPTION: extensive areas of Kangaroo Grass with other herbaceous species.
MANAGEMENT: woody weed removal, establishment of indigenous trees where appropriate, grassing cutting for fire hazard and weed reduction.
NOTES: the fire track provides walking access between Hayward Drive and Mountainview Place. Bush For Life volunteer site.
51. Hayward Drive, verge
AREA: 1ha
DESCRIPTION: degraded native vegetation with
some remnant native flora.
MANAGEMENT: spraying of weeds.
REMNANT: Myoporum viscosum /ENn AS AD +
NOTES: The only known occurrence of Myoporum viscosum (Sticky Hop Bush) on Council land; need for improved management.
52. Mt Osmond Road, unmade sections
AREA: 2ha
DESCRIPTION: very degraded native grassland areas.
MANAGEMENT: managed by National Parks and Wildlife Service
REMNANT: AS AD/ Ptilotus spathulatus
NOTES: these areas are within the SA Government Mt Osmond Reserve
53. Mount Osmond, unnamed reserve
AREA: 2ha
DESCRIPTION: hills face area with native grasses, other herbaceous species and many weeds.
MANAGEMENT: planting a predominantly Sheoak canopy, control of all woody weeds and major herbaceous weeds, slashing for fire hazard reduction.
NOTES: adjacent to SA Government Mt Osmond. Reserve on Gleeson Hill, contains Pimelea stricta and Ptilotus spathulata.
54. Mount Osmond Reserve
This large area of degraded woodland and grassland is managed by National Parks and Wildlife Service. It is accessed from Dashwood Gully Reserve and Waterfall Gully Road.
55. Old Bullock Track
AREA: 3ha
DESCRIPTION: native vegetation on road verge
MANAGEMENT: some woody weed control, planting,
fire hazard reduction slashing.
REMNANT: El Ev ALv Apyc/AD AS Tt/ CAp +
NOTES: walking link to Eagle-on-the-Hill, several species have their only known Burnside occurrence at this site including Phebalium hillebrandii and Lagenifera huegelii.
56. Mount Barker Road, verge
AREA: 100m2
DESCRIPTION: diverse native vegetation adjacent to
SA Blue Gum woodland remnant.
MANAGEMENT: some work on major weeds.
REMNANT: very diverse.
PLANTED: no planting warranted at this site.
57. Cleland Conservation Park
Very important Conservation Park partly within the Burnside Council area but mostly in the Hills Council area. Access via Waterfall Gully Road.
58. Chambers Gully Conservation Reserve
AREA: 43.6ha
DESCRIPTION: a steep valley and hill, various vegetation communities including some diverse flora, severe weed infestations, walking trail connections to Cleland CP.
MANAGEMENT: weed removal and planting in valley
floor, weed removal above walking trail, slashing
for fire hazard reduction.
REMNANT: Ec El ALv Apyc Ap/Dv Bs Or Xq/ARs AD AS Tt +
PLANTED: Ec Apyc Ar +
NOTES: very scenic area considerably degraded by the effects of weed infestation; The area is steep and difficult to manage. There is a considerable amount of work to do.
59. Waterfall Gully Reserve
AREA: 2.3ha
DESCRIPTION: steep south facing slope dominated by pines and other weeds. Red gum woodland and reedbed dominated by willows and other weeds. Trashrack at south end.
MANAGEMENT: very little management at present.
REMNANT: Ec/Phragmites australis, Lobelia alata
PLANTED: Ec near trash rack
NOTES: footpath on Waterfall Gully Road frontage, no walking trails within reserve at present, considerable scope for restoration of floodplain and wetland environment.
60. Dashwood Gully Reserve
AREA: 2.4ha
DESCRIPTION: former rubbish dump being replanted by volunteers, walking linkage to Waterfall Gully and Mt Osmond Reserve.
MANAGEMENT: slashing for fire hazard reduction, planting and weed control.
PLANTED: El Alv Apyc
NOTES: considerable voluntary effort.
61. Travers Drive, road reserve, adjacent to Brock Reserve
AREA: 0.1ha
DESCRIPTION: planted area of indigenous flora.
MANAGEMENT: weed control by volunteers.
PLANTED: Apyc El ALv/Bs Dv
62. Brock Reserve, wallaby grass patch
AREA: 0.1ha
DESCRIPTION: small remnant patch of Wallaby Grass
MANAGEMENT: usual park slashing.
NOTES: no special care at this stage; potential for improved management.
63. Caithness Avenue, plantation
AREA: 0.5ha
DESCRIPTION: plantation of indigenous trees
MANAGEMENT: usual verge maintenance
64. Caithness Avenue verge
AREA: 0.1ha
DESCRIPTION: sloping verge planted with a range of local species
MANAGEMENT: weed eradication, planting, maintenance of small native grass remnant
65. Beaumont Common
AREA: 4.88ha
DESCRIPTION: remnant woodland canopy with some remnant ground flora, flora restoration areas, revegetated creekline.
MANAGEMENT: intensive vegetation rehabilitation in
some areas, the balance regularly mown.
PLANTED: many local species have been established
NOTES: A very significant area requiring the development of a conservation approach which suits the aesthetic and functional requirements of a well used urban open space. Microtis (onion orchid) and Pterostylis (greenhood orchids) have been found at this site. Significant volunteer effort.
66. Sturt Place, no. 5 verge
AREA: 15m2
DESCRIPTION: urban verge.
MANAGEMENT: seeds saved and propagated.
REMNANT: Bothriochloa macra (Red-leg Grass)
NOTES: the only naturally occurring population of Red-leg Grass known in Burnside.
67. Green Gate Crescent and Cooper Place, verge
AREA: 0.1ha
DESCRIPTION: road verge area, remnant grey box being replanted.
MANAGEMENT: eliminate weeds, conserve remnants, replant as appropriate.
PLANTED: Apyc Alv +
NOTES: small rest area with path and seat.
68. Waterfall Gully Road, verge
AREA: 1ha
DESCRIPTION: broad road verge with remnant Grey Box canopy and other flora.
MANAGEMENT: eradicate major weeds, re-establish canopy, improve best areas, cut for weed suppression and fire hazard reduction.
REMNANT: Em Apyc/Bs Or/AS AD Ld/ARs COr DIr +
NOTES: vegetation flanks walking trail, good diversity of species with potential for restoration.
69. Waterfall Terrace Reserve
Remnant canopy of Grey Box trees.
70. Langman Reserve,Wyatt Road frontage
AREA: 0.2ha
DESCRIPTION: narrow strip on west side of
Wyatt Road, remnant grey box canopy with some ground flora.
MANAGEMENT: an important site, gradual removal of weeds and restoration.
NOTES: also Santalum acuminatum (Quandong), Stackhousia monogyna (Candles).
71. Langman Reserve, southern woodland
AREA: 1ha
DESCRIPTION: canopy of grey box scattered indigenous ground flora with good stands of native grasses.
MANAGEMENT: remove major weeds, cut for weed suppression and fire hazard
reduction, replant, detailed weed work in best ground flora areas.
REMNANT: Em El Apyc /Bs Or Ap/AS AD Ld/DIr +
PLANTED: Em El Apyc ALv/Bs
NOTES: walking trail access, notable remnant species are Pittosporum phylliraeoides (Native Apricot) and Asperula conferta (Native Woodruff).
72. Kurralta Drive, traffic island
AREA: 20m2
DESCRIPTION: original grey box tree, planted with other indigenous plants.
MANAGEMENT: aim to keep weed free.
NOTES: potential for more detailed work.
73. Royal Avenue, verge, no 12
AREA: 5m2
DESCRIPTION: remnant patch of ruby saltbush
MANAGEMENT: control weeds around plants.
REMNANTS: Enchylaena tomentosa
NOTES: remnant plants used as seed source.
74. Ifould Reserve, lower section
AREA: 0.5ha
DESCRIPTION: remnant trees, some scattered indigenous ground flora, indigenous planting. Good stands of native grasses on verge
MANAGEMENT: control weeds around indigenous plants, replant other areas, keep major weeds out of verge.
PLANTED: El Em Ec Alv Apyc/Bs Dv Or +
NOTES: walking linkage through reserve to Royal Avenue.
75. Ifould Reserve, upper section
AREA: 0.7ha
DESCRIPTION: sloping native grassland with gully
MANAGEMENT: major weed eradication, slashing for fire hazard reduction.
NOTES: potential for restoration.
76. Royal Avenue Drainage Reserve
AREA: 1ha
DESCRIPTION: remnant tree canopy, scattered indigenous flora, severe weed infestation
MANAGEMENT: managed for fire hazard suppression, removal of major weeds.
NOTES: improved vegetation management required, potential for walking linkage, considerable voluntary input.
77. Queens Avenue, road closure
AREA: 0.2ha
DESCRIPTION: remnant tree canopy, native grass, some exotic trees, herbaceous weeds.
MANAGEMENT: major weeds controlled, grass cut.
NOTES: detailed vegetation work required as resources allow, good natural regeneration of Grey Box.
78. Alan E Cousins Reserve, remnant site
AREA: 0.5ha
DESCRIPTION: important remnant grassy woodland in urban setting; weeds include olives and various herbaceous species
MANAGEMENT: eliminate weeds, encourage natural regeneration
REMNANT: Em El/Bs Dv/AS AD Ld/ DIr Vc ARs +
NOTES: rare occurrence of Asperula conferta (native woodruff), and Arthropodium fimbriatum (nodding chocolate lily).
79. Alan E Cousins Reserve, revegetation site
AREA: 0.1ha
DESCRIPTION: remnant tree canopy, re-established ground flora using plants rescued from nearby development sites
MANAGEMENT: re-establish understorey flora and eliminate weeds
PLANTED: Em Apyc/Bs Dv Or Ga Mv/AS AD Tt Ld/Dir BUb ARs Gp Vc Vb +
NOTES: Many interesting local species have been re-established at this site including Linum marginale (native flax) and Hibbertia sericea (guinea flower). The rest of the reserve has remnant Grey Box trees.
80. Greenhill Road, Hallett Road, traffic island
AREA: 500m2
DESCRIPTION: traffic island with a remnant Grey Box tree.
MANAGEMENT: complete weed control, planting of low species.
PLANTED: Em Apyc/Bs Dv Aa Ga/ AS AD /Gp +
81. Elizabeth Reserve and Hallett Road, trashracks
AREA: 0.5ha
DESCRIPTION: section of Second Creek with a trashrack at the northern end, planted with indigenous flora.
MANAGEMENT: diverse flora established as weeds removed.
REMNANT: Ec Ap plus native colonisers
PLANTED: Ec El Em Apyc ALv Cg/Ap Or/AS AD
NOTES: Second Creek flows all year round.
82. Willowbridge Reserve
AREA: 0.3 ha
DESCRIPTION: creekline with reeds and rushes.
MANAGEMENT: urban park.
REMNANT: Phragmites,Typha
NOTES: Creek managed for habitat in a traditionally managed park.
83. Heatherbank Terrace, verge
DESCRIPTION: scattered indigenous flora along road verge.
MANAGEMENT: slashing, removing woody and other major weeds, gradual removal of other weeds as native flora extends.
REMNANT: Ap AS AD Lotus australis
84. Michael Perry Botanic Reserve
AREA: 1ha
DESCRIPTION: woodland restoration site at eastern end of reserve.
MANAGEMENT: Thick olive and Hawthorn has been removed, canopy species planted and ongoing weed removal continuing.
REMNANT: Ec El Ev Bs +
NOTES: work at this end of the reserve is ongoing.
85. Slapes Gully Road, verge
AREA: 200m2
DESCRIPTION: sloping site, indigenous plantings
MANAGEMENT: gradually remove weeds and
replace with indigenous plantings.
PLANTED: El ALv Apyc +
NOTES: there is a small link track through the area.
86. Greenhill Road, road closure at Sitters Memorial Drive
AREA: 30m2
DESCRIPTION: sloping road closure with Grey Box tree and remnant native grass.
MANAGEMENT: weed control, appropriate planting.
87. Grevillea Crescent, traffic island
AREA: 20m2
DESCRIPTION: traffic island with and indigenous plantings.
MANAGEMENT: eradicate weeds, plant as appropriate.
88. Simpson Reserve
AREA: 0.31ha
DESCRIPTION: narrow reserve along Second Creek
MANAGEMENT: establish thick riparian vegetation along creek with appropriate associated native flora.
REMNANT: Phragmites, Typha
NOTES: diverse range of species has been established, setbacks to vegetation have occurred through erosion of creek since construction.
89. Linden Gardens
AREA: 2000m2
DESCRIPTION: former Shell service station site developed as a demonstration site for low water use landscaping using indigenous flora. It incorporates a mini wetland, native grass lawn substitute and local flora planted areas.
MANAGEMENT: Complete eradication of weeds, pruning and cutting as plants complete their lifecycle.
- Indigenous species established at LINDEN GARDENS
- Corner Portrush Road and Greenhill Road
- Planted vegetation, propagated from sources within the City of Burnside
- Conservation ratings are for SA and for the South Lofty botanical region. Many of
- these species are now rare or endangered within the City of Burnside
- The "+" sign indicates that the species has arrived at the site by itself. It has not been planted.
- Conservation rating
- SA South Lofty region
- Acacia pycnantha Golden Wattle
- Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak
- Callitris gracilis Native Pine
- Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. camaldulensis River Red Gum
- Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. leucoxylon SA Blue Gum
- Eucalyptus microcarpa Grey Box Uncommon
- Acacia acinacea Round-leaf Wattle
- Acacia paradoxa Kangaroo Thorn
- Bursaria spinosa Sweet Bursaria
- Dodonaea viscosa Hop Bush
- Einadia nutans Climbing Saltbush
- Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa Ruby Salt Bush
- Hakea carinata
- Myoporum viscosum Sticky Boobialla Uncommon
- Olearia ramulosa Twiggy Daisy Bush
- Pultenaea daphnoides
Herbaceous plants
- Arthropodium strictum Chocolate Lily
- Bulbine bulbosa Bulbine Lily
- Calostemma purpureum Garland Lily
- +Chenopodium pumilio
- Chrysocephalum apiculatum Common Everlasting
- Convolvulus erubescens Austral Bindweed
- +Cotula australis
- Cullen australasicum Scurf Pea
- Dianella longifolia var. grandis Pale Flax Lily Rare Vulnerable
- Dianella revoluta var. revoluta Flax Lily
- Dichondra repens Kidney Weed
- +Epilobium billardierianum Native Willow Herb
- Geranium retrorsum Native geranium
- Gonocarpus elatus
- Goodenia albiflora White Goodenia Uncommon
- Goodenia amplexans Clasping Goodenia Uncommon
- Goodenia ovata Hop Goodenia
- Goodenia pinnatifida Cut-leaf
- Goodenia Uncommon
- Kennedia prostrata Running Postman
- Leptorrynchos squamatis
- Linum marginale Native Flax
- Lobelia alata Native Lobelia
- Lomandra densiflora Irongrass
- Lomandra multiflora ssp. dura Stiff Irongrass
- Lotus australis Autralian Trefoil Uncommon
- +Microtis unifolia Onion Orchid
- +Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum Cudweed
- +Pterostylis sp Greenhood Orchid
- Ptilotus spathulatus Pussytails
- Ranunculus lappaceus Native Buttercup
- Rubus parvifolius Native Raspberry Uncommon
- Scaevola albida Fan-flower
- Senecio hypoleucus
- +Senecio quadridentatus
Grasses, sedges and Rushes
- Bothriochloa macra Red-leg Grass Vulnerable Rare
- Carex appressa a sedge
- Carex breviculmis a sedge
- Carex fascicularis Tassel Sedge Uncommon
- Carex inversa var. inversa a sedge Rare
- Chloris truncata Windmill Grass
- Cyperus vaginatus a sedge
- Danthonia geniculata Kneed Wallaby Grass
- Danthonia linkii var. fulva a Wallaby Grass Uncommon
- Danthonia racemosa var. racemosa a Wallaby Grass
- Enneapogon nigricans Black-head grass
- +Juncus bufonius a rush
- Juncus pauciflorus a rush
- Juncus subsecundus a rush
- Poa sp a native tussock grass
- Stipa nodosa
- Stipa sp
- Themeda triandra Kangaroo Grass
Total number of locally indigenous species: 68
90 Greenhill Recreation Park
This Park is managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Department.
91 Chapel Street Road Reserve
AREA: .3ha
DESCRIPTION: Landscaped road reserve featuring local flora and a storm water detention device.
MANAGEMENT: Completely eradicate weeds, foster and manage natural regeneration, prune and cut for aesthetics.
PLANTED: El ALv Apyc +