LED Upgrade Project

LED pole 4.jpg

From January to April 2019 the City of Burnside upgraded the City's public street lighting with Light Emitting Diodes (LED) technology to improve efficiency and lower energy consumption.

The bulk replacement of the majority of our public street lights to LED technology represented the single greatest electricity reduction project in Council’s history and will save over $9.5 million across the life of the LED lights. Given significant recent electricity price rises, the impetus to reduce energy use is paramount and the cost savings would be immediate.

The City of Burnside has approximately 4,900 public lights, and this project involved upgrading 3665 street lights.

Council will continue the use of environmentally friendly LED technology across the City for all future lighting upgrades/works.

Why replace street lights across the City of Burnside?

To improve our street lighting network, reduce energy consumption, help reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and reduce maintenance costs.

Street lighting is the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions by Local Government in Australia.  Not only do LEDs provide better light, they reduce our energy consumption and reduce Council’s carbon footprint by around 9,500 tonnes of greenhouse emissions (tC0₂-e). 

The savings in maintenance costs are estimated to be $9.4 million over the life of these assets.

How much did it cost?

The project initially cost approximately $1.6 million and will be offset by future savings in electricity charges, lower maintenance costs due to the efficiency of LED technology, and reduced lighting tariffs.

What is the purpose of public street lighting?

Street lighting is important for pedestrian, vehicle and general public safety. Street lighting improves road user safety at night by illuminating roads and footpaths. Street lighting makes it easier for people to drive or walk along streets at night.

Street lighting is designed to light our streets and pedestrian walkways and provide a level of security to these areas.

LED lighting improves amenity and safety as LED lighting provides a consistent light, minimises glare, reduces environmental impact, minimises operating and maintenance requirements and provides improved visibility, allowing pedestrians and motorists to react quicker.

What happened to the old lights?

The lights that were removed were recycled to prevent heavy metals and other hazardous substances entering landfill.  

How does LED lighting compare to the old lighting technology?

LED lights are 82 per cent more energy efficient than the pre-existing mercury vapour lamps.  They require less maintenance and generate a consistent warm to white light.

The white light generated from LEDs will vary from some of the pre-existing street lights which can appear yellow (high pressure sodium) and amber (low pressure sodium).

Although street lights may appear to be brighter (as the colour may be whiter) they will be more efficient in spreading light more evenly along and across footpaths and roads, and visibility along the street will be improved and look more natural.

The LED lights also provide less back spill into properties due to improved optics, with lighting more focussed on the road and footpath area.

Who owns and manages street lights?

Lighting on local streets is owned by Council, and maintained by SA Power Networks on Council’s behalf.

What lights were not changed to LED as part of the project?

Main road, decorative, heritage and public reserve/sporting street lights were not changed as part of the initial project - the focus of the project was street lights in local streets. 

What do I do if I have concerns about street lights?

If you are concerned about glare and back spill please remember that the new street lights will result in less glare and back spill into properties due to improved optics.  Requests for shielding devices will only be considered where it does not reduce lighting levels below the relevant Australian Standards for the lighting for roads and public spaces (AS/NZS 1158).

If you are interested in additional lighting email the City of Burnside at burnside@burnside.sa.gov.au

How to report faults?

To report a street light not working or operating, you can visit the SAPN website and report the fault, or call 13 13 66.