October Update from the CEO

Published on 28 October 2022

Here's an update of what's been happening in the City of Burnside this month from CEO Chris Cowley, as well as a look at what's to come! Exciting updates include:



✅ Water Smart Burnside website launches (bit.ly/WaterSmartBurnside)
✅ Work progressing on shared use path at the bottom of the freeway for the Crafers Bikeway
✅ New wellness space open in the Burnside Community Centres
✅ Council elections closing Thursday 10 November
✅ New LED parking signage at Waterfall Gully and Chambers Gully coming soon

To find out more information and receive the latest updates about what's going on in Burnside, sign up to engage.burnside at www.engage.burnside.sa.gov.au


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