Tusmore Park Wading Pool Redevelopment

Tusmore_Wading_Pool_Existing Photo.jpg

At over 50 years old, the Tusmore Park wading pool has reached the end of its useful life and needs to be refurbished with a new facility. In February - March 2020 community consultation occurred to determine what the community would like to see in its place. 

Following this, four draft designs were developed. These were presented to the community for feedback in November - December 2020.

The community's preferred design was Option 2, which is a full wading pool with an additional 'creek' style section. This design was endorsed by Council in January 2021, and the project progressed to the detailed design stage. 

The design includes a fence around the pool and a section of lawn to the east and north. The majority of the fence panels will be removed when the pool is empty. 

A development application has now been submitted for assessment. It is expected that this will be finalised in mid-2021. 

Construction is anticipated to occur in 2021/22, subject to development approval being granted. 

Detailed design

Rendered image