Magill Village Project

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Magill Village Project Complete

Throughout 2022 the City of Burnside and Campbelltown City Council worked together to completely revitalise the Magill Village precinct and make the area a more attractive place to shop, stay and visit.

The redevelopment has delivered a safer and more accessible streetscape with additional pedestrian crossings, improved cycling lanes, a permanent 40k m/h speed limit through the Village heart, and new footpaths compliant with disability access requirements. Enhancements were also made to the Magill and Penfold Roads intersection to improve pedestrian, cyclist and driver safety.

New paving, landscaping, public art, bespoke street furniture and an innovative road paving treatment all combine to create a unique and inviting identity for the precinct, along with opportunities for vibrant street life, outdoor dining and pop-up stalls.

Environmental sustainability initiatives included the planting of 68 new trees, water sensitive urban design features to capture stormwater, electric vehicle charging stations, and planted traffic islands.

Parking sensors were installed early in the project to understand the existing demand for on-street parking in the Village.  The Village Heart's final design ensures that on-street parks are available that meet this known demand.  You may not be able to park in front of your favourite shop, but there is plenty of on-street and off-street parking available. 

Council was excited to unveil the completed works on 3 December 2022, with the revitalised precinct now providing a vastly improved experience for visitors, shoppers and residents. This project was funded by the Australian Government with $2 million from the Federal ‘Community Development Grant Programme’ and $5.75 million from the State ‘Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program.’

Below: attending the Official Opening event on 3 December 2022 are L - R: John Gardner MP, Jack Batty MP, Mayor Jill Whittaker, Paul DiIulio CEO Campbelltown City Council, Mayor Anne Monceaux, Chris Cowley CEO City of Burnside, James Stevens MP, Vincent Tarzia MP.



The Magill Village Partnership is a collaboration between the City of Burnside and Campbelltown City Council to investigate and identify the potential of the Magill Town Centre located around the intersection of Magill Road and St Bernards/Penfold Road east of the Adelaide CBD.

Both Councils have recognised that the area is rich in social, cultural heritage and presents a unique opportunity to create an exemplar ‘Village’ model that encompasses urban renewal streetscape improvements and urban landscape work. It can become a prototype for similar initiatives in other areas around Adelaide

The Magill Village Partnership seeks to achieve comprehensive renewal of the Magill Village experience.  It recognises that the most successful places evolve through government, business, educations sector and community members partnering towards the realisation of a shared vision and goals.

Throughout 2022 the City of Burnside and Campbelltown City Council worked together to completely revitalise the Magill Village precinct and make the area a more attractive place to shop, stay and visit.

The redevelopment has delivered a safer and more accessible streetscape with additional pedestrian crossings, improved cycling lanes, a permanent 40k m/h speed limit through the Village heart, and new footpaths compliant with disability access requirements. Enhancements were also made to the Magill and Penfold Roads intersection to improve pedestrian, cyclist and driver safety. Overall, the number of restricted on-street parking spots will be reduced and 22 permanent parking pays will be installed with none of the current clearway restrictions.

New paving, landscaping, public art, bespoke street furniture and an innovative road paving treatment all combine to create a unique and inviting identity for the precinct, along with opportunities for vibrant street life, outdoor dining and pop-up stalls.

Environmental sustainability initiatives included the planting of 68 new trees, water sensitive urban design features to capture stormwater, electric vehicle charging stations, and planted traffic islands.

Council is excited to unveil the completed works in December 2022, with the revitalised precinct now providing a vastly improved experience for visitors, shoppers and residents. This project was funded by the Australian Government with $2 million from the Federal ‘Community Development Grant Program’ and $5.75 million from the State ‘Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program’.

See up-to-date news and project updates at

Master plan

The City of Burnside, Campbelltown City Council and University of SA (Magill campus) formed a partnership to investigate and identify the potential of the Magill Town Centre located around the intersection of Magill Road and St Bernards/Penfold Road east of the Adelaide CBD.

This area is recognised as being rich in social and cultural heritage and presents a unique opportunity to create an exemplar ‘Village’ model that encompasses urban renewal streetscape improvements and urban landscape work.

Over several years, the Councils, with support from the State Government, have committed to the project and have worked on plans to enhance the Magill Village area to improve recreation, social, shopping, education and business experiences for local residents, workers and visitors to the area.  

Following a community consultation process, the Councils adopted a Master Plan(PDF, 7MB) on 25 October 2013 which provides high level strategic planning information about how the Village could be renewed through streetscape and urban landscape work to benefit both local businesses and the community.

The Magill Village project incorporates power line undergrounding, streetscape renewal, and kerb and road surface reinstatement in the section of Magill Road from East Street to Briant Road.


Underground power lines (completed)

Council, in collaboration with the City of Campbelltown and with the support of the State Government, undertook works to underground power and improve the streetscape on Magill Road for businesses, residents and visitors.  The work was completed in two stages:

Stage 1 involved:

  • constructing trenches on the road way along the extent of both sides of Magill Road and on a small section of all side streets, to house the underground powerlines
  • new electrical pits will be constructed in the road verge
  • new trenches will be constructed to connect the pits to the main powerline trench.

Stage 2 involved:

  • installing cable
  • removing stobie poles
  • connecting properties to the underground power lines.

Streetscape Renewal and Concept Design

In late 2021 construction commenced on the next stage of the Magill Village project involving streetscape renewal - incorporating paving, landscaping and street furniture. Additionally road improvement works will include designated pedestrian crossings and new road surfacing, kerbing and storm water upgrades. Work is expected to be completed by the end of 2022.

A final design(PDF, 11MB) (March 2022) was prepared to provide more refined information and visually demonstrate how Magill Village may look in the future.

211019_11817_Magill Road Concept Design_Pepper St Perspective_90% web.jpg  

Above: Streetscape concept for Magill Road featuring Pepper Street Art Gallery.

A video reflecting the finished works was also released.


Above: Streetscape concept video for Magill Road. 


When will the work happen?

Stage 1 and Stage 2 PLEC (Underground power lines) are now complete. This involved the major civil work and installation of cabling both east and west of the Magill Road/St Bernards Road intersection. Stobie poles were removed and properties have been connected to the underground power lines.

The next stage (streetscape renewal incorporating paving, landscaping, street furniture and roadworks) for the Village Heart is commenced in late 2021 and is expected to be completed in late 2022.

The project was approved by the Department of Infrastructure Transport and is now in its final stages.

The construction contract for the Magill Village Redevelopment project was awarded to local company, Camco SA. Depending on weather and other considerations that may impact works like services relocations, construction methods and staging aimed at minimising disruption to traders and the community, it is estimated that the works will be completed late 2022. Both Councils apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience, as we improve the quality of life for all visitors to Magill Village.

How will this affect you?

During these works access to properties, on-street car parking, footpaths and bus stops may be temporarily impacted as each section is undertaken progressively along Magill Road.

Detours will be in place on footpaths for pedestrians; bike lanes and bus stops will temporarily be relocated/removed as required.

There may also be short term lane closures on Magill Road and speed reductions will be in place on Magill Road adjacent the progressive work zones; please take note of changed traffic conditions when driving on Magill Road.

Although unlikely, due to the complexity of this project there may be occasions when power will need to be turned off for the safety of workers.

Both Councils appreciate that there will be possible interruptions to services and businesses during this time and we will do our best to keep you informed and updated.

Key Contacts


For questions and concerns regarding the works please contact

Project enquiries

General enquiries about the project can be directed to

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